Friday, December 11, 2009

My Copenhagen Day 5

WWF preparing for their campaign today. All campaigners need to register and reserve for the space. We are afraid starting next week there will be limited number of NGOs allowed in the center. Security will be strenghtened.

Nepalease Youth Climate Action Network and their save mountain glacier campagin. One of the young guy asked me first if i know Nepal was, after knowing i am from China Youth Climate Action Network...I understand his qu estion and i unfortunately had to say yes I know and good luck to your campaign!They were wraping up as the WWF folks needed to set up their campaign stand. It was a busy sport for events.
one of the co-ordinators, i got a t-shirt from them as well.
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1 comment:

  1. That looks so exciting, Yiting. Good luck with all the campaigns!
