There are way more valid points I want to list out than what I publish on the blog. Not enough sleep, not enough hot water for tea, not enough fruit and veggie, I spend my day less hearthier than I am at MHC. I have stories to tell each single side event I went, activity we organized and participated and each picture I took. I apologize I just don,t have the time to organize them and put them together. There are conflicting interests going on that is hard to manage but I should in any way.Need to talk about the massive rally on Saturday.It was absolutely something I participated in, cried, roared,sang, and ran, waved, jumped, hugged as well. About about 100,000 by the organizer (BBC), people filled the Copenhagen city hall center and marched to the Bella Center from about 2 pm to 5 pm. BBC ( said 968 were arrested for various "off-the-line" behaviors. I had no idea of this along our blocks. It was rather peaceful and cheerful. We just occasionally had a group of protesters held for 30 seconds and the all ran together, shooting "climate justice now." Pictures followed tell more stories.
I have been thinking about what rally/march have effect on the negotiation in reality. I mean I am not blind and usually pragmatic. I had a thought the day after the rally. You have to hear me out.
So. To sum it up, there are basically three tracks of activities going on in Copenhagen. The first are the real nitty-gritty open/closed negotiations with country delegates. The second are the side events organized by various organizations, including UN organizations and numerous government showcases, non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations. The third are the campaigns organized by different advocacy organizations(e.g., Climate Justice, WWF, Greenpeace, etc.) as well as youth initiatives such as YUNGO (a youth initiative under UNFCCC) , and youth climate action networks in different countries.
The three tracts are somewhat in paralle and yet highly dependent on another. Group I folks are up there deciding up rules the rest of the world needs to follow. Group II folks contain intellectuals, practioners, grassroots field workers on every aspect of climate change related displines such as CDM project ing/development, reforestation projects, carbon markets, developing countries development in general, country examples on innovative sustainability initatives, so on and so forth. Group three folks are campaingers there to create media influence to push the negotiations. Their demonstrations are always eye-catching, loud, sometimes innovative and rhymatic. The amplifies core messages like "rich countries pay your debt now", "40% cut no offset", 350 ppm/1.5-2 celsium degree temperature rise, "Tuvalu needs a real deal", "survival is not gotiatiable" and such. Abosolutely impressive, especially when taking place within Bella Center, with crowds of media and stoppers-by. They speak to the negotiators, mostly; questionning and shooting for conscious decisions to be made.
All are important I think, all are interrelated to each another. I will explain it later.
Thanks for the great visual connections Yiting. People, just like you and me. Brothers and Sisters hoping to bring us all together.