Monday, April 12, 2010

news from the new UNFCC session in Bonn Germany

Notes from April 10 Response meeting prepared by Global Campaign for Climate Action (GCCA)

The campaignable intelligence is limited at this stage as this meeting in Bonn is primarily aimed at discussing the process moving forward, however, we will send out whatever information we believe may be relevant today and tomorrow.

  • There were several statements in Plenary about the ambition for the outcome - AOSIS, LDCs, EIT, ASEAN all called for a comprehensive deal at Cancun. Hallway intelligence suggests very little optimism for a comprehensive deal at Cancún outcome.
  • Countries that have not associated with the Copenhagen Accord will not have access to the funding outlined in the Accord.
  • Several countries, including Canada, France and Italy, have suggested that they will focus more of their efforts on the G8, G20 and MEF meetings throughout the year rather than the UNFCCC process in order to move areas such as Finance forward.
  • Several countries want to use the Copenhagen Accord as the basis for the next agreement and it looks like, due to the reduced number of meetings, that the chairs of the working groups will be given more scope to redraft the text and present this at the next meeting in June in order to begin negotiating on the text. A decision on this will be made by the end of this meeting.
  • We need to be pushing the idea that the negotiators can break up progress and not be dependent on each process to achieve progress. We need to identify key things, such as Finance, MRV, Gigatonnes gap, legally binding, that we can get progress on in June 2010 so that they are signed off in Cancun at COP 16 and ensure that we work towards only have 2-3 tradeoffs in Cancún and not the many trade offs that were in Copenhagen.
  • The US are pushing the all or nothing message with regards to agreeing a deal. We need to communicate that it is not necessarily all or nothing. Certain elements can move forward irrespective of others, for example, REDD (or another issue) could be used as the ”key” to unlock the all or nothing deadlock. By using REDD as an example of an area where agreement is possible, without being contingent upon all other things being agreed.
  • The EU could be conducive to moving forward on pieces – looking for partners. Possible options: Environmental Group, some South American countries: Guatemala, Panama, Dominican Republic etc.

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