Monday, January 18, 2010

Copenhagen semester has kicked off!

From then on this blog will be dedicated my daily experience living and studying in Copenhagen, with special focus on the Danish sustainability and also bluntness, with a curiosity to seek Danish spirituality, if any. It will also include relevant, irrelevant, serendipitous, reasonless and biased observations, thoughts and quotes.

I stay with a very nice pure Danish host family who are just a little bit less enthusiastic about food than I am (by my standard this is considered to be very good, for those don't know me and food). It takes about 40 minutes to commute every day, including 10 minutes bike ride from home to local train station, 25 min train ride and another 5 minutes bike ride to school. It is a lot of time compared to at MHC. It is a norm here of course. Anyway I am generally excited to bike except now it is a little bit too cold so I take the bus to train station and walk.

The little six-year-old girl at my host family bikes to nearby school on her own and it is a norm here.

Driver's licences is allowed at the age of 18, but most Danes do not own a car until much later. Denmark has no car production whatsoever. Cars are imported goods with heavy tax on it. Cars were just like a rather new thing for a lot Danes. Gas of course if very expensive here as well as most European countries. Our Survival Danish class professor had a comment on how cheap gas is in the States and he wished it was the same here. But I mean, gas is by all means a little bit more properly priced than in the US, considering all its external environmental and social cost. It could be more expensive. It should be.

"Denmark is the Italy of the north, Sweden the Germany."

Danes could be both sky and blunt, and like to drink of course. At least most of them.

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