Friday, December 18, 2009

towards the end of Copenhagen

1:50 pm, Dec 18. Last day of the Copenhagen Talk. I don't know when the negotiations will continue on today. It is definitely not looking good. I am posting internal communication emails here for the first time to just show how things "progress" and state of emotions of the few youth delegates inside Bella Center

The youth constituency under UNFCCC was angry and frustrated.

3:30 am December 18
>interesting developments tonight. as the drafting groups were meeting
>and agreeing text, the president was drafting another text that could
>serve to undermine the work. the powers that be are still trying to
>force a single outcome and have floated a text that joins KP and LCA
>despite numerous statements by the G77 and China that they want a two-
>track outcome, and a two-track process. the G77 still is insisting on
>an open process, with documents drafted out in the open rather than
>behind closed doors. there were G77 consultations with the result
>that the G77 again requested a two-track outcome with a friends of the
>chair process where representation in the group was transparent and
>it's getting interesting, but not necessarily pleasant. the G77
>continues to be angry at the untransparency of a process where the
>president says one thing is happening and the next thing you know
>there is a new text drafted by some unknown group put on the table.

11:30 am

The Danish government produced a document, lets say a political declaration
to be signed by all the heads of states and government
of less than 3 pages. It seems that all the discussions we attended this night
were just a show, just a manner to occupy the delegates with something.
It seems that this will be the only outcome,
I didn\t read the texte yet, it\s being negotiated now
but they did exactly what they were accused of being trying to do
no new period under kyoto, no commitments
may be everything is being postponed!
A very non-transparent process!
manipulated everyone,,,
didn't hear our voices,,,

Youth Statement to the High-Level Segment of COP15*
To be presented by one of these four plenary-admitted youth, between 12:00 and 14:00 today:

Good afternoon my fellow human beings.
>My name is X, and in the year 2050 I will be X years old.
>I am proud to represent the International youth climate movement.
>Christina Ora, a 17 year old from the Solomon Islands, addressed the opening
>plenary last Monday. She said *"I was born in 1992. You have been
>negotiating all my life. You cannot tell us that you need more time."*
>We have worked the past two years promising to reach a conclusion in
>Copenhagen. Now it seems you will not get it done.
>*This is unacceptable, you should be ashamed.*
>The United Nations was created to solve humanitarian and social crises, but
>instead of standing united, you are now the Divided Nations.
>Humanity can and must do better.
>Mother Nature will not negotiate with us.
>You must set targets to get us back below 350parts per million.
>You must agree on fair and sufficient financing - 5-7% of GDP - to pay back
>the ecological debt to the most affected.
>We the youth dream of a sustainable future shared by all humanity.
>There is wisdom in the people's hearts, and people are ingenious. We CAN
>solve this crisis - IF ONLY we choose to.
>We do not accept the 3-degree deal that the current proposals on the table
>are bringing us to, and we support those nations who won't sign this suicide
>We call on all nations not to accept anything that does not guarantee
>survival and climate justice for all.
>There must be no decisions about us, without us. We refuse to have our
>futures sold and 'offset' by polluter lobbyists.
>The Youth believe that you care enough for the future of your children and
>grandchildren to sign a legally-binding, fair and ambitious, inspiring
>agreement which reflects 'the fierce urgency of now'.
>Rest assured that we the youth will keep on working, and we will keep on
>pushing you harder and harder, until that necessary deal is sealed.
>Thank you.

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