Wednesday, December 2, 2009

from NoHo Mon Blog: the story of some coal-fired plant protesters


DANG it all. I just have to post a comment on my own blog entry! I just have to pass this tidbit on into cyberspace and may it ripple on ……..

In the U.K., six Greenpeace activists faced criminal charges this past
summer for damaging a coal-fired power station on the Kent coast. With the support of NASA climatologist James Hansen, an Inuit leader, and other environmentalists, the defendants argued that they were acting on behalf of the world — specifically the Pacific island state of Tuvalu, the Arctic ice cap, and China’s Yellow River, they said.

The jury ruled that their actions were indeed protecting property in
England and across the globe. The activists were cleared of all
charges. “OOHHH, SNAP!!” says Joan. (I think I am using that neologism correctly).

In the United States, 11 protestors who formed a human barrier to a
power plant construction site in Virginia in September faced 10
criminal charges and a maximum penalty of 14 years in prison, until a
plea bargain was reached last month. Hansen again offered his support.

“If this case had gone to trial, I would have requested permission to
testify on behalf of these young people, who, for the sake of nature
and humanity, had the courage to stand up against powerful
‘authority,’” Hansen said in a prepared statement.

~i love when the underdog prevails

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