Monday, February 2, 2009

T. Boone, Sen. Reid Team Up for Clean Energy Summit Redux

Written by Josie Garthwaite

reid-clean-energy-projectNational security for the U.S. hinges on investment and incentives for new transmission lines, a smart grid, and converting big trucks to use natural gas as fuel (one of energy magnate T. Boone Pickens’s personal favorite fuels). That was the gist of a press call today with Pickens, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and John Podesta, president and CEO of the Center for American Progress and former chief of staff for the Clinton administration.

The three came together to plug the second annual National Clean Energy Summit due to take place in Las Vegas on Feb. 23. The gathering is meant to serve as a forum for politicians, scientists, executives, academics, and advocates to hash out energy policy just as the government is gearing up to dole out billions in stimulus for, among other things, renewables R&D, energy efficiency and conservation projects, and infrastructure upgrades.

The first summit, put together by Reid and the Center for American Progress Action Fund, produced several policy recommendations likely to be revisited at this year’s event. More ambitious goals that have come to the fore in recent months may raise the bar for proposals at the summit.

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