Friday, October 24, 2008

Art is a way!--$10,000 Prize for Best Carbon Cap Explanation

I increasingly feel that art in all sorts of forms is really way to raise the general public's awareness of our environmental issues and what the alternatives are.

Environment | |

$10,000 Prize for Best Carbon Cap Explanation

The Environmental Defense Fund is offering $10,000 to anyone who can create a video or visual explanation of carbon caps. The explanation must make it clear to the American public exactly what a carbon cap is, and what its benefits are. The prize is being offered through the EDF's lobbying arm, the Environmental Defense Action Fund.

There's little question that the concept of carbon caps isn't well understood by most people. The interesting part of the EDF's approach is a request for contestants to avoid getting into a discussion of global warming or partisan politics — the two ways in the carbon cap discussion is usually framed.

While it isn't clear how the EDF plans to use the winning submission, the competition does seem like a good idea in general. If the EDF can find a simple way of explaining carbon caps to the public, it may have more success lobbying for relevant legislation. Furthermore, the contest specifically requires a new media solution: a YouTube video, a Flickr image or an otherwise online submission. That improves the chances of the EDF finding a winner being able to connect with a relevant, interested audience.

Submissions are due by Nov. 21, through the EDF website. The winner will be announced in December.

Image — EDF

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